Whether you are in business or in a career, You know you are meant to have a free, fulfilled, financially abundant, love-drenched life.

It is your divine right

And yet, it is not here yet.

And so you have tried jumping from one shiny object program to the next

You have tried getting all the qualifications, trainings, certifications etc

You have tried all the free challenges, bootcamps, eBooks etc

You have tried praying harder, affirming harder, tithing, healing, clearing strategies

You have worked really hard at your job/business and seen others succeeding at a faster rate than you

Yes you are a little further along because you have dogged persistence but no matter how hard you work, you never quite hit your true income or fulfillment targets, despite working so hard for so freaking long


Now is the time to COMMIT to staying focused for a 12 month period and see what a difference that makes to your results

Watch this video now



When you become a member of AFFLUENCE, you get these 6 MAIN Things & Other bonus items...


From the Morning after joining in, you will receive a daily video/audio/worksheet for 14 days.

The goal of this is to support you in becoming an energetic match for the easy inflow of money

You will start to understand how money manifesting works. This will support all the work we do together over the 12 months. You need to begin remembering your true design - the authority over your life and a powerful creator whose decree must be obeyed.

2. The Weekly Affluence Mastermind Call

Expect Accountability, Transformation, Clearing, Strategy, Subconscious reprogramming - You will KNOW EXACTLY what needs to be done before the next call to keep you moving forward. I will look under the hood of your life and business and together, we will transition you to a place of thriving while living in your true design. My desire is that every AFFLUENCE member is making at least 6 figures doing only what they love and want to do in a business or a career.

Do whatever you can to be present EACH WEEK for these calls. This is where the magic happens - DO NOT MISS BEING IN THE ENERGY OF ACCELERATION & AFFLUENCE!

They are held weekly on Tuesdays, except the final week of each month.

The time is confirmed via email on the Sunday or Monday before.

Again, SHIFT HEAVEN AND HELL to be there live

3. The Deliberate Millionaire Inner Circle

You will be added to the group on whatsapp (Make sure you have the app on your phone). This is the best way to reach me in between our calls as I pay a lot more attention to any questions that come into this group.

This is a critical part of THE DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRES. It is also the part, that you may be most tempted to hide from as you have been hurt by people and may now want to avoid people. And yet, we are created to do life with others.

We grow spiritually and personally around other people

The problem has been that you were choosing the wrong people, possibly because you thought you had no choice.

Well that changes now.

Come into the DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRE GROUP (Currently on Whatsapp)

This is a place for connection, conversation, support, spiritual and personal growth, leadership growth and more

This is a place where you can be real

This is a place where you can be seen and where you can heal.

We are all immersed in a society that is all about fear - It promotes a need to protect ourselves from each other and in doing so, we learn to put on a facade in order to come across in a specific way. This facade takes a lot of energy to maintain and it ends up draining self-confidence & self-worth because you are permanently telling yourself that the real you is not good enough for the world and so you need to have this facade to hide behind.

Coming into the group will demolish that idea.

As you allow yourself to be truly yourself with me in the group, you will release the need to hide.

You will rediscover the beauty and awesomeness of your inner being.

You will feel loved and cared for.

You will start uncovering the layers that have kept you from the life you desire

You will regain the confidence to prosper in all areas of your life.

You will regain the confidence to make the difference in the world that you are here to make.

All I ask is that you come into the group with a willingness to be your REAL, TRUE DESIGN self.

No lurking.

No putting on facades.

We are all in this together.

This is the DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRE REVOLUTION and you are welcome to join in.

4. ESSENTIAL Private Coaching Programs

The inner work is essential

Unworthiness must be addressed

Self-doubt must be addressed

Money blocks (which are really prosperity blocks) must be addressed

The need to OVER-GIVE & people-please must be addressed

These programs will support you in addressing these areas

(Every new member of AFFLUENCE gets access to these. If in business, you will have one of the business growth programs first and then when your business is built out, you will be granted access to the above)

5. Access To The Deliberate Millionaire Library

If you are building a business then your first month will be a specifically chosen business program for you before accessing the rest. If you pay in full, you get access to all the programs from the start, if you are paying in instalments then each month, you get access to new ones

Purpose Driven Profits


The Prosperous Blessed Entrepreneur

The Share Your Voice Workshop


And many other business growth programs

6. The Abundance Library


You have done the short courses and read the books...  

You have gone to the seminars and conferences...  

It all helps for a short period of time...  

You spend a lot of money and you come home to the same environment you left behind and it is not long before you are back to where you were, doing the same things, feeling the same way, with no support system in place to keep you on track...  

What if you tried something different?  

What if you tried deliberate immersion in a new way of thinking, acting, being with a coach who is committed to being there for you daily to help you transcend the noise, nonsense and drama of modern-day life? The Library consists of over 100 business, personal and spiritual growth audio & video programs. I continue to add to them as I learn and implement new things that accelerate my progress. I learn and then I teach it all to you. I intend for this to be the most extensive library of its kind on the planet. (yes, I have a HUGE vision!)  


And your current habits have got you to here which may be okay but you know that if you carry on, then you may well die with your music still in you...  

Immersion in new habits, starting with choosing to listen to something in the ABUNDANCE LIBRARY for 20 minutes a day and doing the simple Deliberate Millionaire Daily Ritual (which is explained to you when you join) will propel you to a free, fulfilled, financially-abundant, love-drenched life FAST.

You will be exposed to new ways of thinking and new patterns of behaviour. You have no idea just how immersed you are in ideas that hold you back but as you start to very deliberately choose to immerse yourself in higher-level ideas, the old ones will be drowned out and your actions will elevate to match your new patterns of thought. The 6 figure (or more) income becomes INEVITABLE when you are thinking and acting like the person who HAS ALREADY created it.

ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS LISTEN for 20 minutes a day.

A Current List Of All The Programs In The Abundance Library Can Be Seen By Clicking Here & Scrolling Down

30 - 90 minutes a day will be needed, depending on whether you are building a business or not

Yes, you can find the time

And in fact, you MUST!

DECIDE that you WILL DEFINITELY be making 6 figures or more while living in your true design by this time next year and refuse to allow anything to get in your way.

Play full out in AFFLUENCE and I will support you every step of the way

Yes, there will be times when it feels tense as the old is shifted out of your life and the new comes in. In those moments, it will feel IMPOSSIBLE to reach your goals and you will be tempted to do what you always do - hide, go looking for another shiny object, convince yourself that it can never work for you and it must all be a scam or even convince yourself that somehow you will do it better alone (even though you have NOT done so to date!) etc

Instead, DECIDE NOW that you will lean deeper into the Divine and reach out to me for support when this happens - DO NOT RETREAT and run away. Do not get distracted because you get afraid. Do not look for another shiny object, 'sure-thing' shortcut.

DETERMINE to stay focused for 12 months and then, even beyond.

Income growth and the growth of a free, fulfilled, love-drenched life is easy, simple swift but you make it difficult when you keep shifting and changing direction. You think you are making it go faster by jumping after every so-called 'shortcut to abundance' but actually, all you do when you lose focus is make everything take longer and ensure that you get burnt out from all the efforting and stressing. (Yes, I know this from hard-won experience!!!!)

Again, DETERMINE to stay focused for 12 months.

You will never be the same again.

I am excited for you.

I can see what is possible for those who choose to FOCUS and the end-result is amazing!

Come in and STAY THE COURSE.

Show up on the good and the bad days

I cannot take you out of the fire of transformation but I can walk with you and help you stay on path, if you will let me.

I look forward to working with you in AFFLUENCE, if you dare 😁

There are 2 options for payment available



If you are truly ready to commit for the 12 months, click one of the buttons below and let's begin

Fortune restoration and Expansion lie this way

WOOHOO to AFFLUENCE in every area of your life!

Yes, I Want In (Annual Pay)

Prefer To Work with me One on One?