You get EVERYTHING in the main Money Freedom Bootcamp PLUS...


1 Initial DEEP DIVE 2 HOUR Personal Coaching Session Where we get crystal clear clarity on the 6 figure business you desire and set your 90 day goal

✅ Get Crystal Clear Clarity on Your Offer, Your Ideal Client & Your Pricing

✅ Define A Personal Sales & Marketing Strategy To Bring It To Life

✅ Identify Any Obvious Obstacles To Bringing The Strategy To Life & Put A Plan In Place To Dissolve The Obstacles

✅ Leave the session feeling empowered, inspired and CERTAIN about exactly how you will transform lives and get paid well for it


Private 1:1 45 minute Coaching Sessions Held Every Week

This is when we flesh out the strategy and put it all in place. I will support you in getting your business built out and making money or in refining what you have already built to ensure your business is capable of making more money.

No longer are you alone in trying to bring your vision to life.

No longer will you be held back by underlying emotional and mental blocks because I will support you in identifying and getting rid of them.

Come prepared to play full out. This will go deeper than anything you have ever done before. It will be confronting and it will also be empowering. You will accomplish more in the next 90 days than you have in the last year and as long as you are willing to face the resistance, it will feel exhilarating as you FINALLY allow yourself to do all the things you have wanted to do for a long time! The work is EASY but it can certainly feel uncomfortable as you come face to face with WHY you have been underearning

If you are an ambitious spiritual person, determined to reprogram your money beliefs and to get paid at least $5-10K each month to transform people's lives using the skills, wisdom, knowledge that you currently have, grab your private coaching spot now or click here to have a 15 minute consultation with me to ensure it is the right fit.

YOU START Immediately. My diary will be delivered to you to book in your initial 2 Hour session to get us set up for the 90 days.


$1888/month for 3 payments


$4997 to pay in full

Order Summary
The Money Freedom Bootcamp

Order Summary
The Money Freedom Bootcamp


Each session will have a combination of the following 4 things, dependent on what is needed for you.


This is where it all begins. This is how you get clear guidance. This is how you step fully into your power. 

Who better than your Source to inform you on what you are here to do, to be, to have?  

This is also how you raise your vibration, your frequency, what you are available for. You cannot solve anything at the same level of thinking that created the problems in the first place so as we connect firstly to vast wisdom, you begin to see new options and feel empowered to work with them.  

This will include healing any disempowering stories you have about what Source will require of you, particularly religious ones. What if you truly believed that the Divine withholds nothing from you? That is sometimes a difficult idea for people to completely agree with because we have all been told that it is in our best interest to not be given what we want. There is a false subservience, victimhood around what we are allowed to create and receive. Our work together will challenge that story, that belief until you begin to fully awaken to the idea that the only obstacle in your path is you and what you will allow yourself to have.  


There will never be a way to create a truly prosperous life while living the wrong life for you. We will get crystal clear clarity on what you are here to do, to be, to have. We will give you permission to claim it all. No longer will you allow yourself to settle for less or to filter what you want based on what you think you can have or what the world tells you is reasonable. We will say YES to everything you desire because the only thing that stops you from claiming your real, fulfilling life is your thought that you cannot have it.

* We will look at the work you want to do * We will look at the relationships you want to have * We will look at the health you want for your body  

This is about a total overhaul of anything that feels out of alignment with the YOU that you deeply desire to be. I completely believe that as we define clearly what you want, 

NOTHING can stop you from getting it, except the belief that it is impossible. We can change that, if you are willing.  


We all have stories. Some of those stories allow us to go after what we want - they empower us. Some of those stories disempower us. The ideal state would be to live a life with no stories but most humans are not quite there yet and we do not have to be until we are ready. To begin with, we can choose to buy into stories that allow us to go STRONGLY after the life we desire. So, there will be a lot of story shifting, story retelling - A LOT! Your stories are the only reason you are not living the life you desire. Your stories can seem so solid, so set in stone but they are simply conditioned responses and thoughts. Now you get deliberate about choosing what you want to be conditioned into accepting as reality.  

Ultimately, I am an expert at seeing the stories that hold you back and I will point them out and give you lots of strategies to handle them. This will seem like the hardest part of the process of our work together because your stories are many and as I said, they seem SOOOO real. However, once you begin to do this, it will get easier and easier to spot and change the stories, Expect to feel sooo much freer as a result of no longer being controlled by stories of the past.  


The inner work is great but there needs to be practical action as well. This is not something you are scared of. You KNOW hard work, however, we are changing the paradigm here. This is not about just working and working and working, pushing and pushing and pushing. You tried that and you got so far but no further. Yes, there is work to be done particularly if you want to change your body, change your career or business, get a new relationship or shift an old one - However, we come at it from a different place. A place of connection to Source where we have access to unlimited wisdom. We do not use our minds to think and overthink and second guess any more, we look for intuitive guidance and then use our mind to bring that guidance to life. If your brain knew how to live awakened, deliberate life of prosperity, freedom, fulfilment, you would already be there. It does not have the answers. So we look in the right place for answers, we find them and we act.  

Yes, there are foundational things to learn and as you will have access to all my programs, including business growth ones, you will get the foundational actions but then each time we have a session, you will learn even more deeply how to use these foundations to make sure you are not allowing them to take the place of your own deep wisdom.  

This is not about creating a 1-2-3, ‘one size fits all’ approach to creating an amazing life. You tried that already and found that it does not work if you truly want to live abundantly on your terms. You learn to trust yourself again. Yes, you hold yourself to a high standard so this is not about ‘waiting for inspiration’ because Divine guidance is always IMMEDIATELY available. This is about living in a different paradigm and experiencing uncommon success as a result.  

As this is one on one coaching, we will work to your agenda. We will establish some habits at the start of our work together - You may already have some of these daily musts in place but I will ascertain that at the start of our work together and because you have ongoing access to me via WhatsApp or whatever form of communication works for us, this is a blanket of support that moulds itself into whatever you need to ensure we meet some clearly defined 90 day goals.  

Ultimately, our goal will be to define your life’s purpose and to begin the process of manifestation of that before we are done. However, each person will have specific desires and we will get clear on exactly what we want to make happen and get to work doing exactly that in our time together

  • Unlimited access to me in between sessions on Private messenger/Whatsapp /email  
  • Deep training on how to connect with your intuitive power yourself - This is so essential to ensure you are on the fasttrack lane to purposeful success  
  • Access to all my programs while working with me