Transition - The 40 Day Spiritual Journey

So, tell me...

🔴Do you feel like "There must be more to life than this"?  

🔴 Has your success leveled out? No matter how hard you push, you cannot get past this glass ceiling and you KNOW you are capable of more.

🔴 Do you feel like you really should be further along in life than this?  

🔴 Have you felt anxious, depressed, sad, empty for no apparent reason but you just cannot seem to shake these feelings?  

🔴 Do you feel distant from your higher power or even abandoned as you try to make sense of this life?  

🔴 Do you have deep desires of things that you would like to do but at the same time, you feel fear and self-doubt that keeps you stagnant and waiting, waiting, waiting for... who knows what?  

🔴 Are you frustrated with the people in your life that disrespect you, walk over you, make unreasonable demands on you that you give your time to, only to be rejected and hurt again and again?  

🔴 Would you like to feel whole, clear and inspired again?

IF YES to most of these questions then keep reading, this is for you...



Hey Honey!  

It has started, hasn’t it?  

The itch, the gnawing in your chest, the pain of unrealised dreams, the wonder...  

“Is this it?"  

“Did I make the right life choices?"  

“Will I ever really know why I am here?"  

“Can I find the courage to go after my dreams?"  

“Is it too late for me?"  

Maybe you even wonder where your dream partner is...  

Or whether the one you are with, is the one you SHOULD BE with...  

Because life feels… wrong...  

And it is taking you longer and longer to raise your mood...  

Some days, you are not even sure you want to get out of bed...

You know you should be happy but you are not...  

You should feel free but you do not...  

You have always wanted to feel abundant but even though you have experienced some success, you still feel constrained...  

And all you can think is “IS THIS IT?"  

But then when you consider doing something different, the questions become 

“What if it does not work?"  

“What if I lose what I have?"  

“What if I am wrong?"  

"What if that person is trying scam me?"

And so you are tempted to settle but you really do not want to...  

You cannot seem to ignore that voice inside of you that says - THERE MUST BE MORE THAN THIS...  

And time keeps tick-tick-tocking away...

Honey, let us explore this...  


No, you are not the only one that feels this way...  

Everyone, black, white, rich, poor gets to this point...  

This deep internal knowledge that they are capable of more and that the way they have thought life worked is not really the way it works...  

That the rules they followed, whether religious or cultural, hoping that they would take them to some kind of amazing nirvana where everything was awesome and full of joy, light and happiness...  

Well, the rules did not work...  

How could they?!  

They were so general and you are an individual.  

You need specific guidance for you.  

You need to know what to do in each situation you face so as to take you where you want to go...  

And you discover that by leaning to trust the voice within you...  

Some call it intuition...  

Some call it Spirit, God, Higher Power...  

I simply call him Papa.  

I can tell you, right now, you are being led by that voice within to be here, looking at this...  

Because it is your time to shift, to transition, to MOVE THAT AWESOME ARSE from a place of strife, struggle, both internal and external to a place of peace, wholeness, prosperity, fulfilment...  

The only question is “Will You Answer?  

Most people don't - they pretend they cannot hear - the fear is too much to handle and so they remain stuck, trapped and in internal strife. They try to drown it all out with food, sex, entertainment. It does not work but at least, they can pretend it does... for a little.

But surely, you are not that person...

You long to remember who you are...

The powerful creator you are

The person with big dreams that you KNOW are destined to be yours!

I have something for you...


And so if you are that spiritual person determined to live a purposeful life that you adore waking up to, done with feeling stuck and out of place and ready to dive deep into a happy, fulfilled, free and abundant life then click one of the buttons below...  

WOOHOOOOOO! I am looking forward to working with you!


Recently, I have been reading and re-reading and studying and praying about the journey of the Israelites from a place of slavery in Egypt to a place of prosperity in Canaan.  

Do you know the story?  

The Israelites had found themselves in slavery to a hard taskmaster - Pharaoh...  

Just like I had gone from being a girl with high potential to being bankrupt, depressed and lost.

They cried out for someone to come save them...  

So did I  

Moses came and saved the day but they had to make a transition from being people caught up in lack and slavery and being ‘less than’ to remembering that they were God’s Chosen People, divine in nature, more powerful than they had allowed themselves to believe and that they were capable of their calling.  

I found coaches, mentors and also, I went deep within and discovered or should I say, remembered who I was born to be - Chosen, called, capable of my calling and powerful. Created in the image and likeness of the Divine, there is nothing I cannot set my mind to and then go on to create.  

Same goes for you.

TRANSITION is the story of YOU!

The story that is resetting now...  

The story of how you move from a place of uncertainty, of feeling enslaved to a life you no longer love, maybe never ever loved...  

The story of refusing to ignore that gnawing in your heart any longer...  

Refusing to gloss over that sense that you are on the wrong track and have been for some time now...  

That story of choosing now to step away from your past with all its triumphs and challenges...  

That story of choosing a new reality - One where you wake up every day, on track, on the right path, connected to Source in a real, empowering way and living a life of fulfilment, freedom, abundance. 

A Life Where You Are LOVE In The World!


Right now, you may be feeling anger that you are stuck in place...  

Anger that you gave so much of your life to people who do not appreciate it...  

Shame that you allowed this to happen to you...  

Shame that you are still here, rather than ‘there'  

Blaming yourself...  

Blaming others...  

Or maybe, just maybe you are trying to gloss over it all and pretend that it is not there, pretending that you do not need anything, pretending that you got this on your own  


The pain is here...  

You feel stuck...  

You feel unsure...  

You know there must be more than this...  

You WANT more than this...  

And today is the day that things start to change for you because you CHOOSE that they must, that they will!


I know TRUST is an issue for you...  

You do not know how to trust anyone...  

You have been let down too many times...  

You watched others be treated badly when they trusted and you are too strong to allow that to happen to you...  

You are the one that others trust to show up for them BUT YOU DO NOT LET ANYONE SEE YOU!  

And so you look from afar...  

You hold yourself back...  

You put on a facade and tell yourself you need and want nothing...  

And you are always looking for the holes in the story, looking for the scams, looking for lies that you think people are hiding from you... 

Trying to protect yourself...  

Mostly, you find them...  

And you pat yourself on the back that you did not get taken in this time...  

But you forget that you are still here, stuck, unhappy, unfulfilled and definitely not peaceful...  


However, you are getting older...  

You know it and you lament it, as you keep wanting some kind of a spiritual magic bullet to come rescue you...  

To come bring you the love, peace, abundance, fulfilment, freedom you desire...  

But so far, nothing...  

Because there is action for you to take...  

Inner work to do...  

And a question to answer...


Join me, honey, for a 40 day deep dive spiritual journey...  

  • A journey to reconnect in a more powerful way with Source/God/Universe - This is where you get wisdom, love, comfort, power. As you reconnect even more powerfully with your higher power, you remember more completely that you are created powerful, created to win, created to speak things into existence. You have heard of the law of attraction, well, there ain’t gonna be no attraction happening without this divine intimacy.  
  • A journey through forgiveness - You need to be clear, completely CLEAR on the inside because honey, if not, someone or something is pulling your strings and you may not even know it. You are tied to them in ways that keep you in lack, unable to create fulfilling relationships and unable to live a purposeful life because your every move, whether you realise it or not is being controlled by THEM or IT! You must be free!  
  • A journey away from shame, guilt, blame, fear - all the things that keep you away from your prosperous life. If you feel these emotions, your time, energy, power is LITERALLY STOLEN FROM YOU as you do things to appease these emotions, spend time with people who drain your energy and ultimately DO NOTHING to design the life you want.  
  • A journey back to trust - Trusting yourself, trusting your higher power, trusting others when it is right to do so, trusting your calling - You have forgotten that you are capable of your calling and the crazy amazing time is this, we are entering an era where those who truly choose to pursue their purpose will find themselves head and shoulders ahead of the curve because the world is increasingly getting automated and people are losing the mundane jobs that they did not even want to do. Well, it is time to trust the call on your life  
  • A journey past mental and emotional blocks and triggers - Do you even realise that you are being triggered all the time and that those triggers are keeping you in an endless loop - repeating the same patterns again and again. You are born to walk a fulfilled path, a freedom road - It is time to get past the nonsense, look to see what needs to heal and do the inner work to make it so. You need support for this. I wish I could tell you that you can do this alone but how is it working out of you to try that? Be real and go after the life you really want.  
  • A journey to transcend the pain of the past - It is time to realise that you are not really as stuck as you think. It is just that the pain overshadows you and in some ways, you have gotten so used to living with the pain that you do not realise how much it stifles you. How much it has you in its grasp, keeping you feeling confused and unclear. It is time to learn to live above the pain and then be able to heal the pain when it does not hold you so tightly within its grasp  
  • A journey to remember your power, your divine nature, your purpose - Life is not happening to you. You are creating it but we need to get a lot more deliberate about creating it - this is hard to do when all you have ever known is people around you feeling like victims of circumstance and all you have ever been conditioned to think is that you need to wait for some help from on high. It is time to remember your creative abilities as you own your purpose, your true nature.  
  • A journey to bring that purpose to life, living out of it, creating abundance through it - We will also cover how to soar while living out the purpose on your life. Yes, you will gain clarity on what it is and then you will learn strategies for putting you and your thing out into the marketplace. Building a side hustle that allows you full expression of our gifts and then moving on into a full blown life that only includes living out the call on your life and monetising it. Learn how to handle money and attract it more easily than ever before!

IT IS TIME TO TRANSITION to a place of wholeness, prosperity, peace and purpose


YOU START immediately

🔴 5 days on, 2 days off, there will be audios, videos, written training, simple tasks and journalling prompts, dependent on what is necessary for the day.  

🔴 AND BONUS: You will get 2 months access to me in the OPULENCE CIRCLE where you can personalise the program by asking any questions you may have, coming on the regular livestreams to handle any past drama that holds you back and also have access to over 75 spiritual, personal and business growth programs.

It is time to dig deep within you and give yourself full permission to be the purposeful, prosperous being you are...  

And so if you are that spirit-driven person determined to live a purposeful life that you adore waking up to, done with feeling stuck and out of place and ready to dive deep into a happy, fulfilled, free and abundant life then click one of the buttons below...  

WOOHOOOOOO! I am looking forward to working with you!



A one on one coaching session with me to go deep into getting clarity on your purpose, identify any blocks or obstacles, leave with a plan and also re-inspired, motivated, empowered to win. It will take place over the phone.

2) 8 Weeks in the OPULENCE CIRCLE  

  • Daily access to me to run ideas past, to get clear of whatever may be holding you back, connection with other forward thinking spiritual people from all round the world. It is time to stop being isolated and realise you are not alone in desiring the big, wide-open space life 
  • A blanket of support like you will have never experienced before.  
  • Access to a vault of training videos, audios and much more


Are you ready to transition from a place of uncertainty, strife, struggle to a place of knowing that nothing was wasted, knowing who you are, stepping up into an abundant, fulfilled, FREEDOM life where you wake up each day KNOWING you are loved, and that this is the path for you?  

You and I KNOW that there is so much inside of you longing to be unleashed.  


Join me for TRANSITION by clicking the button below

Again, if you are that spirit-driven person determined to live a purposeful life that you adore waking up to, done with feeling stuck and out of place and ready to dive deep into a happy, fulfilled, free and abundant life then click the button below...  

WOOHOOOOOO! I am looking forward to working with you!


1) Is there a money-back guarantee?

No. If you join this course, or any course of mine, with the intention of testing it to see if it will work for you, you are destined to get nothing from it. I know it is the marketing thing to do to take away your risk. It is a great strategy, I am sure. However, I come to this course willing to do whatever I can to support you in making a transition, I need your full commitment as well. All in or nothing, my honey. Transformation follows commitment. Expect your life to change when you play full out.

2) How EXACTLY does it work?

For 5 days you will receive a video or audio with about 20 minutes commitment and then there will be 2 days off. Every week, within the OPULENCE CIRCLE, I will support you, during the AGREEMENT event, to shift anything keeping you stuck and stagnant. 

You are also in a private group with a few of my clients and myself on Facebook.  

If you take full part, your life will change.

Join me for TRANSITION by clicking the button above