Get The 6-FIGURE SPIRITUAL BUSINESS Book Here, For Just $0.97!

Use The Simple Strategy Detailed Within The Book To Swiftly & Predictably Grow Your Business



🔴 This is for the ambitious, action-oriented career professional or business owner who wants to use their current skills, natural gifts, spiritual knowledge, self-help wisdom, life experiences to advise, coach, teach, counsel, heal, empower.

🔴 You may be in a spiritual business that is not yet generating a 6 figure revenue or You may be ready now to make your transition from an unfulfilling job/business.

🔴 This book contains one of the simple, step by step strategies that my clients and I have used to grow 6 figure businesses using social media, email marketing & advertising (starting with just $5-$10 a day).

🔴 You will discover exactly how to set up your business to quickly generate a steady stream of paying clients / patients / students

🔴 You will discover how to keep it all simple so that you can focus on doing the fulfilling work of serving your clients and making a difference in the world while also enjoying time- & money-freedom to do the things you want to do with your life.

Still Not Sure?

Let me explain a little more…

You are that person who has created some success and you are that person who SHOULD be happy with it because you have more than most. However, you are not happy and you wonder if you are just a little too greedy or maybe you just want too much and so you procrastinate and dither on trying to go for the big dreams.

This is about reinventing your life, not because there is anything majorly wrong with your current one – At least not to people looking on the outside in but because YOU KNOW you are born for more.

Your life is disappearing before your eyes and you are nowhere near where you thought you would be by now…

You are not impacting the people or making the money you had hoped to be making…

You are not all that much in love with yourself anymore, if you ever were…

You are living to fulfil the agendas of many others but struggle to get your own true vision off the ground…

You feel resentful that you do not seem to have the time to follow your own pursuits while everyone else is being supported, BY YOU, to get theirs…

Are you done yet?

Because honey, I am Rosemary Nonny Knight and I was you, once upon a time.

Pretending that I had it all sorted.

People looked up to me, even before I became a pharmacist and had the house, 2 cars, cleaner and the trappings of wealth…

(I have always been leader though I shied from it thinking that dampening out my drive was ‘humble’ and a ‘good’ thing to do.)

And yet, I had none of the freedom.

First, there was financial restriction because I never seemed to have enough money, NO MATTER how much I earned...

Then there were all these rules of what I was allowed to do and what I was not…

Relationships that manipulated me…

Religion that stifled me and kept me from real relationship with Spirit…

I was shrouded in fear, guilt and shame…

And finally, after hitting the rock-bottom of bankruptcy and depression (which still no one saw – they still thought I GOT IT!), I decided to reinvent my life.

And I did.

Within 24 months, I had started a business and replaced my full-time pharmacist income with a multi-six figure income...

I started saying ‘NO’ to anything and anyone that did not take me closer to my vision…

And now, I have built 2 businesses that surpassed my pharmacist income…

I have had the plastic surgery (#Operationbiggerboobssmallerwaist) I dreamt off…

Been to various different countries all round the world, just because I wanted to…

Worked with millionaire coaches to give me the latest and greatest information in personal & business growth which I pass on to my private clients and use to accelerate my business growth…

Closer than ever before to my higher power and helping others do the same…


And I have helped lots of clients with that too…

Got over my sad family story with lots of fear, sexual abuse, physical abuse and so on to live free of the rules, traditions and all that nonsense.

Honey I reinvented my life and now, I help other mavericks, like you, to do the same.

So, are you still feeling indecisive?

Leave now – this is not for the weak -minded!

But if you are done with messing around with your ONE life, then click the button below and let's begin the adventure of making a difference and a great income in your true design life. Get the Book delivered to your email inbox, in addition to lots of other great emails - I am VERY prolific. Woohoo! Choose a way to make your payment below and let's go!


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The 6 Figure Spiritual Business Book