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THIS INTAKE BEGINS on 2nd August, with first live call on 4th August


(And self-doubt is not allowed to take that away from you)

✅ You Deserve to live a life of freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and unconditional love, not a life of settling for whatever scraps you manage to find.

✅ You deserve to have loving relationships, not be forever trapped in relationships that feel wrong, feel disempowering, feel dead because you are scared that 'this is as good as it gets and if I leave, I'll be alone as there is nothing out there for me'

✅ You do deserve to be loved, not trapped in a lonely, single life because you think 'there is something wrong with me'

✅ You deserve to have a healthy, energetic body. No, you do not have to feel weaker and tired-er all the time - that is just the weight of fear, resentments and doubt anchoring you down and that can be shaken.

✅ You deserve to have excess money in the bank, not forever living from one paycheck to the next, forever saying no to opportunities that you WANT TO take part in but you keep telling yourself that you can't afford. Money is not your master, my love! Money exists to support you! Learn how to let it!

✅ You deserve to do work that fills your heart with glee, not be trapped in a job or business that drains the life out of you and is 'not too bad, at least it pays the bills'

✅ You deserve to live a joyous, fun-filled adventure of a life, not be forever stressed-out, burnt-out, worried about how you are coming across to others, full of self doubt and self-criticism

It does not matter what life has thrown at you to date...

It does not matter how hard it has been up to now...

It does not matter how much struggle you have had to overcome to be here...

You KNOW you are meant for more.

And regardless of what nonsense self-doubt would have you believe...

✅ You are good enough

✅ You are strong enough

✅ You are wise enough

✅ You are skilled enough

✅ You have PAID enough (not that this should matter at all, as you came out of the womb, already worthy but I know the crazy workings of your mind, you think you need to earn stuff and THAT FALSE BELIEF is also why you need to do this bootcamp!)


Everything leading up to this moment, has prepared you to claim your real life

And now is the time for breakthrough.

You are supposed to be living a prosperous & abundant life and you know it

And yet, at this stage in the journey, you feel stuck, stagnant, nervous of going after all that you desire.

You don't completely know how it happened but it feels like self-doubt and fear have taken over the reins of your life

It did not happen all at once but as each nasty little event happened in your relationships and your life generally, you found yourself pulling back and playing smaller and smaller.

🔴 Some said you were 'too much' so you started to tame your tongue

🔴 Some betrayed you when you gave them your trust and you started to look at everyone with distrust and hold yourself back

🔴 Some others let you down and you started to think that everyone will finally let you down as they are 'just human' and always looking out for themselves.

🔴 You tried to do something different and it did not work and you started to tell the story that you have tried everything and nothing works for you

🔴 You made a mistake and it still dogs you and you are so scared of making a similar mistake again so you exist in self-distrust.

And so on and so on...

These little conversations, little events, peppered with some HUGE ones, all started to add up and make you feel like you just need to take a moment to catch your breath but you have been taking a moment for a little while now and it is beginning to feel like you are missing your life!

For as long as you can remember, you have been carrying a whole lot of weight for a whole lot of people and it has all started to anchor you down.

You want to break free but you feel so responsible for everyone and it feels nasty to acknowledge the fact that you do feel resentful towards them because it can all feel so draining and no one ever seems to be there for you when you need them.

They all seem to think that you have it all together and mostly, you do but you feel as though you are missing out on your life while supporting theirs.

But hey, you are a nice person and you don't want to say what you really think and so, that feeling is also buried inside of you, eating away at your confidence and self-esteem as you continually say NO to yourself while saying YES to everyone else.

Deep down, you know you don't seem to have the boldness that you used to have.

Your confidence is really low, particularly when you consider doing anything other than what you currently do

There is this crazy voice in your head, telling you that you will fail and that you are just too adult to be doing anything different now.

Telling you to stop dreaming and just settle down into a boring old, lack-filled life.

Telling you that you are not enough.

Telling you that the time is not right yet

Telling you to tone yourself down

And as much as you don't want to listen, you can see that you are not playing in life as much as you used to.


Much much MORE!


You are created in the image and likeness of the Divine

The same power that created everything you see, is coursing through your entire being



Which is why you are struggling to settle into supposed adulthood and the 'just surviving' life

You KNOW you are meant for more than that.

The question is, are you actually willing to rebuild your confidence and self-esteem so that you do claim the prosperous life you desire?

🔴 Many say YES to this but then go back to listening to the crazy voice inside that jeers at them and tells them that they cannot change anything.

🔴 Many say YES to this but then get scared about what they may have to do when they get bolder so they choose to stay in the safety of dissatisfaction.

🔴 Many say YES to this but then immediately tell themselves that they are past it and to give up before they make a fool of themselves

You are surely not the 'MANY'

✅ You are the one who is really, truly, freaking FED UP with living beneath your potential.

✅ You are the one who is fed up with waiting for 'ONE DAY'

✅ You are the one who is ready to take back authority over your life and your affairs.

✅ You are the one ready to stop betraying yourself and START TRULY LIVING NOW!


You are invited to join me now in the ultimate success mastery bootcamp...


It is time to ditch self-doubt & flick the switch to a free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life.

WOOHOO!  I am so excited to do this with you!

It is time that you awakened to the YOU that you have always known is inside you, waiting to be unleashed.

It is time you levelled up your life in the way you have always KNOWN you are called to do.

I mean, seriously, don't you realise that EVERYTHING you have been through has strengthened you, toughened you, made you resilient and powerful

This is not the time to be retreating!

This is the time to be CHARGING FORWARD, my love and this bootcamp is EXACTLY what you need to come right awake again.

This is not about working harder and harder.  You have already done that.  You ALREADY DO THAT! and it is not working because you are doing it as the duller, slightly defeated version of you.

There is a 10.0 version of you, waiting to be set free.

And we are digging that version of you out from all the layers of nonsense that life was allowed to dump on you.

Man, it took me more than 3 decades to finally WAKE UP to what I had been allowing the people and circumstances of my life to do to me.

It took me going bankrupt...

Getting depressed for 4 long years.

And finally looking into the eyes of my 3 princesses and I knew I had to show them a different way to do life...

Something inside me screamed...


This was after years of trying to appease this and that person.

This was after years of living to other people's definitions of success

This was after years of continually putting everyone else's needs before my own and going along to get along...

Or sometimes, when I just could not say YES, I would feel soooo guilty for letting the other person down and potentially hurting their feelings

All of this ate away at my energy, my confidence, my self-esteem

And let's not talk about the stuff that happened in childhood that I kept using as an excuse and story for not rising the heck up and claiming my life.

I finally got done with succumbing to the stories in my head and TOOK BACK DOMINION OVER MY OWN AWESOME LIFE.

I did the inner work.

I faced my inner demons

I leaned deeply onto the Divine

I worked with mentors, coaches and mastermind groups in order to change my mind from the inside out.

I learned whatever strategy I needed.

AND I ROSE VICTORIOUS with unshakeable self-confidence that has allowed me to keep showing up powerfully for my own awesome life, regardless of what events or circumstances happened to me on the way.

I KNOW where I am going

I KNOW what I am doing

And NOTHING is allowed to get in my way anymore.

This kind of confidence has allowed me to create the prosperous, free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life I now live with my husband and 3 princesses

And I am teaching EVERYTHING I have learnt about being unshakeable, relentless, bold, certain and SELF-CONFIDENT in this BOOTCAMP...

Click the button below to join me now in 77 DAYS TO REGAIN UNSHAKEABLE SELF-CONFIDENCE, if you are that driven and VERY DETERMINED spiritual person who is done with holding back from creating the relationships, body, work or money that you KNOW you desire and deserve.


Every other day for the first 8 weeks, you will receive an audio/video PLUS a worksheet, delivered to your inbox.  This starts MONDAY 2nd August, 2021 - This is the SELF-MASTERY part of the bootcamp


✅ Where does true lasting self-confidence come from?

✅ Dump the limiting ideas that keep you from the foundation of self-confidence

✅ Building the inner fortitude to withstand whatever comes your way

✅ Having the courage to be disliked and still to stand your ground and go after your desires

✅ Dissolving the mistakes of the past so you start each day with a clean slate

✅ Turning every situation into something that blesses you

✅ Discover the quickest path to inner and outer transformation and it is certainly not what you think

✅ How to do the next thing, even though afraid

✅ How to become the authority in your own life

✅ Learn the difference between fear and love-based action

✅ Learn how to prevent the resentment buildup when helping other people so that all your energy is not eaten up in trying to pretend you do not feel resentful

✅ Discover how to raise your energy levels so that any action you do take, is impactful

✅ The superpower that will keep you going whatever happens

✅ Getting crystal clear clarity that propels you powerfully forward

✅ Removing distractions from your life with ease and permanence that does not fade in weak moments

✅ Daily simple ritual that will work behind the scenes all day everyday to power-up your self-confidence and self-esteem

✅ How to allow yourself to receive good things

✅ Discover how to remove emotion and move forward swiftly to total wealth and success

✅ How the practice of gratitude will change everything for you

✅ How to handle and then use your painful feelings to accelerate your progress forward - Nothing is wasted

✅ Discover who to listen to and who NOT TO listen to

✅ How to embrace all parts of you - the wild and the gentle sides - so that you forge forward with precision and strength

✅ Level up your expectations so that when you get what you expect, it is EXACTLY what you want

✅ The actual use of willpower and why it has been letting you down recently

✅ What to do about the past and how to own the strength that it gives you

✅ How to stop with all the second-guessing and overthinking

✅ A magical little system that will give you all the wisdom and knowledge you need to move your life forward

✅ How to handle procrastination

✅ How to stop energy vampires from taking away your focus

✅ Get comfortable with being yourself again in all situations

✅ Heal the deep feeling that you are not enough

✅ Give yourself total permission to make as much money as you like doing ONLY What you want to do.

You get to keep the content for life

You also get...


You can attend these calls from anywhere in the world, with an internet connection

The first call is Wednesday, 4th August and then for 3 more wednesdays.

You will be told, via email, the exact time of each call

The training portion of the calls will cover

WEEK 1: Connection to the Supernatural - TURN ON THE PROSPERITY FLOW

✅ You will switch on the prosperity flow with a few simple steps, as we prepare the subconscious mind for prosperity. Expect miracles from this first week.  

✅ Tap into the most powerful force on earth and ignite your prosperity flow. This just makes it sooo simple, swift and easy when you come from this foundation.  

✅ Learn simple techniques to cultivate the most important attitude for rapid manifestation

✅ Discover different ways to use visualisation to bring about the desires of your heart.

✅ Understand how deliberate magic really works so that you do not have to take it all on faith alone. NO more blindly going along with anything. You will now see why it works and how it works. 

✅ Discover how to hear clear inner guidance so that you always have access to the next step for you. No more doing things because you have always done them or because someone told you it might work, only to discover that it does not work FOR YOU. Instead you learn exactly how to tap into infinite wisdom yourself and get individualised steps for you to summon in the prosperity you desire in every area of your life.  

✅ There will be a deep sense of peace within you as you finally realise who you are. You are coming home to your true self and it will feel good, so good. You will know how to maintain that feeling and live from it so that you are staying in alignment with your true design. You will know now that you could never have experienced true lasting prosperity when you were on the wrong path for you.  

WEEK 2: Healing The Past, Present, Future - TURN UP THE PROSPERITY FLOW

✅ Learn how to increase the flow of prosperity towards you, in all areas of life, rather than experiencing ups and downs/ the negative OUTFLOW of prosperity.  

✅ Learn how to identify prosperity blockers and discover simple techniques to handle them so they stop affecting you  

✅ Learn a simple 60 second strategy to power up the speed with which you manifest your desires  

✅ Discover how certain religious, cultural, mass mind beliefs keep you from ever prospering no matter how hard you beg and plead with the heavens. It just will never work until you realise these blockers and eliminate them  

✅ Discover how the past affects your ability to manifest your desires and simple techniques to finally release it all and allow in increased prosperity.  

✅ Understand why money is one of the easiest things to attract when you get rid of certain ideas that do not support its attraction. Learn how to get rid of those ideas and also learn the traps most people fall into when seeking to increase their financial abundance. Learn how to avoid those and become a magnet for money.


✅ Using your current life dramas, learn how to get super clear on what you desire.  

✅ Learn how to create decrees that energise your specific desires  

✅ Learn how to use your decrees/affirmation to change your life  

✅ Understand the laws of abundance that are at work, allowing you to create the life you desire  

✅ Again, learn how to use specific fun strategies to fire up your vision and see it come to life faster than ever before  

✅ Cultivate an inner knowing that you are THAT powerful and you can create the life you want  

✅ Understand why life has felt so up and down and how to stop allowing this to happen  

WEEK 4: Deliberate Creation Of The Physical Reality - MASSIVE ACCELERATION IN ALL AREAS

✅ And now to take it out into the physical world, you will discover what you need to do to accelerate the appearance of prosperity in your relationships, health, work and money. You will realise that you NEVER have to do anything that will drain you or make you feel forced. The Deliberate Magic Method (or the process of manifestation) is supposed to be easy and simple and fun, not something you have to force yourself to do!  

✅ Get specific instructions on what to do when going through a really hard time in life so as to break through to your next level fast. How you act in times of difficulty determines whether you remain in difficulty or get propelled to your next level, you need to know how to stop recreating the same nonsensical situations. You can break free! This module will teach you how.  

✅No point getting a break through and then just falling back into your old life! So, in this module, you will understand completely EXACTLY what to do to maintain your breakthrough  

✅ We will look at relationships, health, money and work and you will discover the different actions that can be taken to bring about the vision you have for each area.  

✅ Understand that this is not some ‘hit or miss’ thing when you are following practical faith-building steps. Manifestation is guaranteed because it is a universal law. You can ask for anything and expect to see the fulfilment as long as you believe and this bootcamp will teach you EXACTLY HOW TO believe so it is not some vague thing but something you actively practise and grow.

There will also be a time for hot seat coaching, questions and answers. 

Expect to clear anything holding you back in these live calls

After the initial 8 weeks, you will then receive...

THE 15 AUDIOS ARE DELIVERED 5 days on, 2 days off starting in week 9 - This is deep, immersive training - Some worksheets are included. This teaches you EXACTLY why Deliberate Design Works and the steps to implement to receive the benefit of a free, fulfilled, financially-abundant and love-drenched life


Without the right foundation, nothing can work for long so let's go back to the beginning and put the foundation back in place. It is time to build your house on solid rock, not the shifting sand most people build on. 

Though I seem to talk in riddles, you understand what I mean. 

If life feels erratic and full of strife...

If life feels uncertain and if there is a lot of fear of losing the little you do have...

If life feels unfulfilling and dissatisfying, even though many may say you should be happy...

Then you have built your life on shifting sand and it is time to restore the foundations.

✅ You will switch on the prosperity flow with a few simple steps, as we prepare the subconscious mind for prosperity. Expect miracles from this first week.  

✅ Tap into the most powerful force on earth and ignite your prosperity flow. This just makes it sooo simple, swift and easy when you come from this foundation.  

✅ Reignite a love affair with the Divine so that you feel safe, loved and supported in the creation of your true design life.

✅ Learn simple techniques to cultivate the most important attitude for rapid manifestation  

✅ Understand how deliberate magic really works so that you do not have to take it all on faith alone. NO more blindly going along with anything. You will now see why it works and how it works.  

✅ Discover how to hear clear inner guidance so that you always have access to the next step for you. No more doing things because you have always done them or because someone told you it might work, only to discover that it does not work FOR YOU. Instead you learn exactly how to tap into infinite wisdom yourself and get individualised steps for you to summon in the prosperity you desire in every area of your life.  

✅ There will be a deep sense of peace within you as you finally realise who you are. You are coming home to your true self and it will feel good, so good. You will know how to maintain that feeling and live from it so that you are staying in alignment with your true design. You will know now that you could never have experienced true lasting prosperity when you were on the wrong path for you.


Between the foundation and the manifestation in the physical reality, there is the potential for many things to block the way. Things like false beliefs, resentments, weird ideas about being a puppet of the Divine/fate and so much more. 

These are usually things that you do not realise keep you from your prosperity. You tend to think that they are normal ways of thinking. I teach you how to identify these blocks to success and eliminate them so that you become a clear channel for the manifestation of your highest good.

✅ Learn how to increase the flow of prosperity towards you, in all areas of life, rather than experiencing ups and downs/ the negative OUTFLOW of prosperity.

✅ Discover how certain religious, cultural, mass mind beliefs keep you from ever prospering no matter how hard you beg and plead with the heavens. It just will never work until you realise these blockers and eliminate them  

✅ Discover how the past affects your ability to manifest your desires and simple techniques to finally release it all and allow in increased prosperity.

✅ Learn how to identify prosperity blockers and discover simple techniques to handle them so they stop affecting you  


And now that the foundation is in place and there is no longer any obstacles blocking you from yor good, we can get very specific about the seeds we desire to plant.

In this module, I give you techniques to plant the right seeds in your subconscious mind so that they take root and generate the harvest in double quick time.

✅ Learn how to create decrees that energise your specific desires  

✅ Learn how to use your decrees to change your life  

✅ Understand the laws of abundance that are at work, allowing you to create the life you desire  

✅ Again, learn how to use specific fun strategies to fire up your vision and see it come to life faster than ever before  

✅ Cultivate an inner knowing that you are THAT powerful and you can create the life you want

✅ Understand why life has felt so up and down and how to stop allowing this to happen

Are you ready for your opulent harvest?


It is time to stop ONE-DAY ing your life away.

It is time to stop playing the small game

It is time to stop pretending to be happy with life as it is.

It is time to break free of the self-imposed cage in which you find yourself

It is time to tap back into that power that you KNOW dwells within you

It is time to FLICK THE SWITCH to a free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life

Come join me now in 77 DAYS TO REGAIN UNSHAKEABLE SELF-CONFIDENCE by clicking the button below and jumping on board.



When you choose to become a member of The Deliberate Millionaires, you get these THREE MAJOR Things...


Each Saturday or Sunday, over the internet, we gather to address different topics around prosperity in all areas of life. You get cleared, elevated and accelerated. You will be informed of the exact times via email, when you join.

Let's shift the energy together.

Let's go deeper into the Divine together

Let's heal together

Let's rise victorious into greater prosperity together


This is an ever growing collection of immersion audio/video trainings that I have created over a period of time as I have made my transition away from self-doubt, unfulfillment and lack to freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and unconditional love.

I am returning home to who I truly am and I am documenting the journey as I go, for anyone done with the status quo and ready for a new path back to their own TRUE DESIGN.

And as you are someone who has been in my world for a little while, you already know that you feel drawn to and resonate with the work that I do.  

All I ask is that you LISTEN to the immersion programs for just 20 minutes a day


This is a critical part of THE DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRES. It is also the part, that you may be most tempted to hide from as you have been hurt by people and now, want to avoid people. And yet, we are created to do life with others.

We grow spiritually and personally around other people

The problem has been that you were choosing the wrong people, possibly because you thought you had no choice.

Well that changes now.

Come into the DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRES' INCUBATOR (Currently a group on Facebook)

This is a place for connection, conversation, support, spiritual and personal growth, leadership growth and more

This is a place where you can be real

This is a place where you can be seen and where you can heal.

We are all immersed in a society that is all about fear - It promotes a need to protect ourselves from each other and in doing so, we learn to put on a facade in order to come across in a specific way. This facade takes a lot of energy to maintain and it ends up draining self-confidence because you are permanently telling yourself that the real you is not good enough for the world and so you need to have this facade to hide behind.

Coming into the group will demolish that idea.

As you allow yourself to be truly yourself with me in the group, you will release the need to hide.

You will rediscover the beauty and awesomeness of your inner being.

You will feel loved and cared for.

You will start uncovering the layers that have kept you from the life you desire

You will regain the confidence to prosper in all areas of your life.

You will regain the confidence to make the difference in the world that you are here to make.

All I ask is that you come into the group with a willingness to be your REAL, TRUE DESIGN self.

No lurking.

No putting on facades.

We are all in this together.

This is the DELIBERATE MILLIONAIRE REVOLUTION and you are welcome to join in.

If you are a driven spiritual person, determined to ditch self doubt and rebuild your self-confidence and self-esteem so that you easily create a free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life, then Join THE '77 DAYS TO REGAIN UNSHAKEABLE SELF-CONFIDENCE' Success Mastery Bootcamp Now

YOU START MONDAY 2nd August. You will be informed when the live calls will be held, via email. Today, get yourself a notebook, if you do not already have one and earmark it for your spiritual practice. Start immersing yourself in the Abundance Library & map out your plan of transition to doing more of what you love.