✅ Do you feel called to change lives and make a difference with the message you carry in your heart?
✅ Do you deeply desire to live out that calling and ALSO make more than enough money to take care of your responsibilities while doing it?
✅ Do you keep getting tripped up with wondering if you can do it, if anyone needs or wants to hear from you?
✅ Have you been looking at the online space, knowing that your people are there and you want to build an online business but wonder how to get noticed and known by people on the internet so that you can empower and serve them with your message and also create an income?
✅ Are you already IN THE PROCESS of figuring it out but getting a little overwhelmed by all the stuff that you need to learn and do?
✅ Would you like someone experienced in being a messenger to work with you and break it down for you into a simple, cost effective step-by-step method to get your message out and attract more of the people you are called to serve?
✅ Are you willing to take part in an online course & jump on live calls from wherever you are on this planet?
I too was that person with a calling.
In fact, a lot of my life was spent coaching people at church, supporting people in my home, creating music to inspire anyone that would listen, reading and studying to be able to have a ready answer for whoever needed one.
Like you, I knew I was called to change lives with what was inside of me - my strengths, my experiences, my skills, even my story
And I spent a long time preparing for it (Never quite taking much action but I was PREPARED!)
Unfortunately, I believed that the only way I would ever be able to live my calling was at church and so, I did the regular person stuff like...
I saw others doing what I wanted to do but it seemed too alien to my way of thinking, I did not really think that I could do it too…
I could still hear the voices of my parents and friends telling me that my music, my reading, teaching and all of that stuff was never going to make me any money and I just need to settle down and do something reasonable.
I believed them.
I had seen too much struggle growing up, to think that life could be as easy as choosing to live out my calling and actually trust that the Divine would not leave me destitute.
That was stuff I said at church, not stuff I really believed for my regular everyday life!
You do know what I mean, don’t you?!
It took my hitting rockbottom with bankruptcy…
Getting depressed for 4 long years…
Feeling like a complete and utter failure…
Before I finally started paying attention to the calling on my life…
I finally saw that I WAS THE ONE WITH ALL THE CHOICES about how my life played out
I finally surrendered to my true design.
I cannot say that the transition was all that easy but I got support and I stopped dabbling and instead, got committed to living the life I am born to live.
I took the limits off and now, I make money doing ONLY what I love to do and am called to do.
I refuse to settle for less and because of that and my deep connection with the Divine (which I had to learn how to do), my life now works.
If you are still here reading this and it resonates with you, then you know you want this and I know that the Divine has brought you to this page for a reason.
You know your strengths, skills, story can help people…
It may not feel all that clear exactly how but you KNOW that you deeply desire...
Except you are scared that you will not be able to figure it all out...
And you are scared that no one cares what you have to say...
I mean, you are doing it a little already in your church or community, whenever you have the time, but to put it out on the internet seems like a whole other big deal!
And you are scared that you will fail and be laughed at for even thinking you could live THAT life.
You dream about it but it seems way too far-fetched.
You are worried that it is unspiritual to ask for money to empower and inspire and to change lives with your skills, experiences, strengths.
You think you should give it away
But then you also realise that there is no way to give it away and to also take care of your responsibilities while doing the work!
And so you have, like most people, put your attention on doing whatever you had to do to make money
The calling is not going away
It itches at you
It calls to you
It wants your attention
And you want to give it attention
But you do not know how to take your skills, strengths, experiences and make them into a thing that will make you money but you are willing to learn
And so this course is very timely for you
This is a 6 Week VIP Group Coaching Program Starting WEDNESDAY 8th April 2020
Every Wednesday for 6 weeks starting on 8th April, you will receive a new module
And there will also be a live call each week starting the following weekend - Details of the call will be delivered to you via email each week - It will be held at some point between Saturday and Monday
There are local numbers for most countries to dial into and you can also attend over the internet.
MESSENGER OF LIGHT will support you in building an online business that makes at least $5k / £3k per month and it will teach you to… . 🔴Brand yourself online AUTHENTICALLY — you do not have to be like anyone, you do not have to do things like anyone, you are new breed leader, you will learn how to take the principles I teach in this program and make them yours as you simply learn how to be ALL OF YOU boldly . 🔴 Grow that audience of people who adore what you have to say and who NEED TO hear it. These will be people who also want to buy, buy, buy from you at the price you want to sell. . 🔴 BE the one that YOUR PEOPLE are checking on each day as you deliver messages that change lives — you will take the limits off as you take part in this program. Even your marketing will serve your people . 🔴 Build those sales pages in an authentic manner with a step by step plan given to make it so easy to create an information page that will touch hearts and help them see how what you have on offer will help them . 🔴 Create offers that ACTUALLY help and that PEOPLE want to buy — Receive emails from YOUR PEOPLE telling you just how thankful they are to you for creating your offers because you learn how to tap into the heart of your people and give them EXACTLY what they want and need . 🔴 Build recurring income into your business and automate receiving money so that you can focus on doing the work you feel called to do . 🔴 Map out a sequence of products at various price points that will take your people through a process that will change their life and also provide you with a predictable income stream doing ONLY work you WANT TO DO . 🔴 Make sales calls EASY (if you need to do them) as you learn my simple system for getting people on the phone and what to say and do to get the right ones to sign up . 🔴 Handle any money mindset issues that you may have that get in the way of simply asking to be paid for the work you do. The workman deserves his pay, do you not know?! Enough holding back from asking for the sale. You are keeping your people from their elevated life when you hold your own self back in this manner. Let us get this handled once and for all. . 🔴 My desire is that you are selling well before the program is completed and as long as you are committed to showing up and asking for support, you can be sure that this will be your story. Expect to build a global business that can make at least $5k each month easily and then fully expect to scale it up from there. . THE TRAINING MODULES
Time to gain crystal clear clarity. Who are you really? What are you here to do? What do you want business to look like? What do you want your life to look like? Because it is all up for grabs, you know. And then we gotta figure out who you want to serve, where they are and we start the attracting their attention this week, right at the start. You can not change lives, if they do not know you, cannot see you and you are not clear. So this week, we dig in and get crystal clear clarity and begin to call in your people.
Next, we decide what you want to serve them with. You will learn various ways to package up what you have inside of you and make it palatable to your person. What is the reason people will buy it? We need to get clear on that too. And then we will start figuring out what you will use to attract them in to your world. You will begin creating the whole thing this week and growing a community of people interested in what you are putting together.
Now for the technical bit. I gotta say I like to keep things simple and I will show you everything I do and how I do it all. The truth is, yes, you can have a website and I will show you quick ways to get one up and running but you do not need one for all this to work. I will teach you simple, cost-effective ways of doing things. Honey, the key here is to deliver the message and as you go, you can make things more and more pretty, if you choose. You are firstly and only a messenger, and getting the message out, is the important thing to do.
OK, so people need to know what they are getting and I will show you how to put an information/sales page together. What needs to go in it and where to put it. What to use to create images. How to link it so you do get paid and your people also get served automatically. This is the week where you complete this.
So, it is all set up in the back office, how do you actually sell the thing? We are going deep in with this one. IT is not enough to get the practical things done though you will be given various strategies to work with practically. It is also about what is going on within you. You do this work because you feel called to do it, right?! Well, this work cannot be completed with ensuring your insides are clean and clear and connected.
- Blogging & Writing To Sell & Serve - Livestreaming For Profits - Social media Updates - Videos - Set up Facebook Page & Start To Build For Free - The habits of social media domination - Social Media Group Marketing - How to Attract a flood of ideal clients! - The Strategies To GROW YOUR AUDIENCE EVERY FREAKING DAY - How to simply close sales online - How to get warm leads on the phone - How to take one post - ONE SIMPLE BLOG POST and make it make you money - Simple Profitable FB Ads Strategy
The truth is, I never create a product completely before I have sold it. So, now that you have all the other things in place, let us spend time this week creating the program. I will show you where to put the course when created so that your person can access it easily.
BONUS - Learn About The daily musts - Lock Down The Simple Daily Disciplines That Result In More clients to serve and help as well as more income - How to Always Serve People & Make Money Even When You Are Asleep - A sure fire launch plan to implement IMMEDIATELY for a RAPID CASH INJECTION
You do not always need to do this. I hardly ever do this. However, it helps to know HOW TO do it, if you decide to speak directly to people.
Let us talk about talking to people directly and go through exactly what to do to ensure that the right ones sign up with you for your program or to work directly with you. As spiritual people, we want to connect heart to heart with our people so this is certainly not about hard, horrid sales techniques. No, this is just going through the foundations and showing you how you can be very heart-centred and still reach your goals.
And now, let us get the self-doubt, the fear, the internal holdbacks managed. You can no longer afford to play small so in this module, we truly focus in on strategies that will allow you to prosper at living a purpose-driven life and attracting the right clients to you online. This work we do here goes deep, it demands that we are very present for our people and that is incredibly hard to do if you are harbouring beliefs and thoughts that hold you back. This is the week you fully own your role as Messenger of Light!
Hello! I am Anna Florio the Psychic, The Healer, The Mystical Transformational Coach! Messenger of Light is the best program I have signed up to!
The amount of support that Rosemary has given me is literally like having private VIP coaching!
She has been amazing at giving me very practical tips that have been bringing in clients as well as a lot of visibility for me and my business!
For example I have had people, who I have been networking with for years, coming up to me to comment about the FB lives or the mini videos I have been publishing (following Rosemary's suggestions) so we started new conversations which probably will convert them in paying clients!
It has never happened before!
Rosemary has given me tips on how to structure my FB page so that new clients can find me easily, she has been giving me ideas about how to sell my programs without being pushy and she has taught me so many other things which I still need to implement, so the potential for improving my business is virtually endless!
Also, as I am a spiritual person who works with energies, I have found Rosemary very knowleadgeable and brilliant at looking beyond the basic reasons why something wasn't working for me!
She is always happy and enthusiastic and ready to support me in my journey and makes the workload so much lighter!
Rosemary has been giving me loads of food for thoughts and has expanded my vision on how I can support many more clients without making it feel overwhelming!
The pace of the program allows me to have time to implement what I have learnt from her and the weekly recordings have given me the chance to note even more tips and practical ways to improve the way I serve my clients.
I would strongly recommend you to sign up for Messenger of Light: in my case it has made me look at my life and business and create the changes to align them with my life purpose and my big "Why"!
Why do I do what I do? How can I make my business more viable and how can I streamline it so that it can work flawlessly? What are my blockages and how can I release them?
For every person there are different areas to look at and different answers: go and find out what yours are! You will love it!!!
If You Know You Are Called To Positively Impact Lives With A Message And You Are Now Ready To Create An Income While Making A Difference, Then Work With Me for 6 weeks and be The Money-Making Messenger Of Light You Are Born To Be.