Stop Allowing Self-Doubt &
Self-Distrust To Stop You


✅ Dissolve the self-doubt that keeps you from going places, making new friends, starting THAT business, making the difference you want to make.

✅ Become a lot more self-assured, assertive and focused so that you do increase your income, create empowering relationships, gain body confidence and vibrant energy, do meaningful, fulfilling work that feels more like play than 'work'

Click The Button Below To Join The Reset Now

Your First Part Is Delivered In The Morning After Purchase


You are pausing, hesitating, procrastinating, when you need to be charging forward


You are pretending not to notice that you are not operating as your full, powerful self


You want so much more out of life but you see yourself settling for so much less than you desire


Doubt & A Lack of trust are being allowed to take the reins in your life


You need the confidence to ask for the promotion and the increase in income, rather than resentfully going to work each day, feeling used and abused.

You need the confidence to start the business you dream of, rather than continually putting it on hold with all manner of excuses for delaying

You need the confidence to believe that you are ENOUGH to deliver the message in your heart & to support those you feel called to serve

You need the confidence to get the relationships you actually want, rather than settling for painful ones because you think you have no choice

You need the confidence to dump the unsatisfactory relationship, rather than staying put as you pretend to be happy

You need the confidence to be yourself, rather than forever be wondering how you are coming across to other people

You need the confidence to ask for what you want and get it, rather than continually pretending that you are satisfied when you are not.

You need the confidence to go to the gym, or walk around the block, and shape up, rather than worrying that you will just quit again and 'people' will laugh

You need the confidence to be spiritual out loud, rather than being petrified that others will not take you seriously

You need the confidence to ask for what you want in the bedroom, rather than just pretending to like whatever your partner wants.

You need the confidence to trust yourself to make the right decisions, rather than forever dithering and being uncertain

You need the confidence to lead your children decisively, rebuild powerful loving relationships with them and also to leave them alone to grow, when necessary


You have tried the self-help techniques that work by forcing you to change from the outside in... and the results have been mediocre at best...

You need to rebuild your confidence in a way that won't be shaken again

You Need A Deep Connection To The Divine & A Deep Connection To Your True Self.

All the changes you make to your clothing, your body language, your habits can feel forced and be temporary...

However, the change you make within, is yours forever

And it will stand, regardless of what is happening 'out there'

It is time to uncover your TRUE DESIGN, CONFIDENT self


✅ Dissolve the self-doubt that keeps you from going places, making new friends, starting THAT business, making the difference you want to make.

✅ Become a lot more self-assured, assertive and focused so that you do increase your income, create empowering relationships, gain body confidence and vibrant energy, do meaningful, fulfilling work that feels more like play than 'work'

Click The Button Below To Join The Reset Now

Your First Part Is Delivered In The Morning After Purchase


Each day, starting the morning after you sign up, you will receive a worksheet

On the worksheet, there will be

1. Text or audio-based training, including a deep training on how to hear back from the Divine

2. A musical meditative contemplation to deepen your connection to the Divine and to yourself

3. Journaling prompts or affirmations to solidify the work

I will also explain exactly what to do with all the pieces of the bootcamp. Most of it will be journal-based - We are created to be self-sufficient units capable of attracting to ourselves everything we need to create a great life-experience. You have already mastered practical hard work, but now you need to master the inner work that will make you a clear channel for all-round prosperity to flow.

The daily work will only take about 30 minutes at the maximum

So, if you are a driven spiritual person who knows you are meant for more but is feeling stifled by self-doubt, low self esteem, low self worth and low self-trust, click the button below to take part in the CONFIDENCE RESET and go from hesitating and doubtful to powerful, self-assured and confident.


DAY 1: Be Your Own Boss: What happens when you give and give and GIVE to those you love and yet, your giving is thrown in your face and you begin to wonder why you bothered to care for anyone. You begin to doubt your usefulness and you begin to feel rising resentment which thinly veils a growing feeling that you are not as capable or worthy as you thought. In this part, you will discover the foundational principle of self-confidence that will support you in riding any storms of life as you will start the process of installing confidence at the very core of your being.

DAY 2: Where Is The Divine When You Need Him? : Lots of spiritual people feel abandoned by the Divine in their everyday life. Things happen and they feel unprotected and unsupported. In part 2, we deal with those questions, those deep feelings and gives you simple strategies to use to manage your thoughts and feelings as well as a novel way to connect with the Divine so that you are able to predictably get responses to your challenges.

DAY 3 - When Greatness Is Unsafe & Completely Discouraged: What do you do when you feel called to do and be more but there is a huge part of you that also wants to remain hidden. Most spiritual people are walking around cloaked in a high tower, with a smiling facade on the outside but lots of pain hidden behind the walls of their tower. While this tower remains up, the good you desire will always elude you. This part gives you a simple strategy for overcoming the need to remain unseen when you also want to make your mark on the planet.

DAY 4 - When Your Power Is Taken Away: Lots of people feel powerless to change their lives because of family responsibilities, abusive relationships, corrupt politicians and policies, depressed economies and much much more. This is damaging to one's confidence. However, there is always another way to perceive what happens around you. This part will show you how to more easily live prosperously, regardless of what is happening around you. And not only that, you can then support your loved ones in living empowered lives too. As you rise, you take others with you.

DAY 5 - Beaten Up For Being Brave: I have lived through physical & sexual abuse which resulted in my feeling forever afraid of living full out in life. Sometimes, there are VERY GOOD reasons to be afraid and yet, despite that, you can no longer be controlled by fear and doubt. I had to overcome these past events and I teach you how to get past real situations that have the ability to stop you in your tracks, if you continue to let them. Yes, people may have physically attacked you but you can still rise victorious as you implement this simple strategy.

DAY 6 - 7 Ideas For Handling The Fear That Freezes You In The Past: A whole part dedicated to handling fear and the events in your past that still haunt you. You will experience a deep shift in your confidence as you apply this simple technique to any area of life where you feel stifled by fear.

DAY 7 - The Friend Everyone Throws Away: Are you always the one that keeps relationships going? Are you always the one to call, to suggest activities? Does it sometimes feel like others do not care for you as much as you care for them? If that is an underlying belief within you, you can be sure that your self-worth & self-confidence will be feeling quite low. This part gives you a tactic for handling these kinds of relationships with finesse and power so that you create powerful relationships that are empowering to all parties.

DAY 8Rejected For Being Myself: When did you learn that being yourself was not a cool thing to do? I detail my story around this and also help you understand how to break free from the need to be anything other than you. Many people claim to know what it means to be themselves, they also claim not to care what others think of them - Most people are simply not aware of how much what they do, is controlled by the opinions of others. Immerse yourself in this part and begin to really TRULY discover an inner courage to be disliked, if necessary as you will finally see just how critical it is to you and to those around you and to the people you are called to impact, that you free yourself to be completely yourself.

DAY 9Financially Destitute For Being Helpful: The theme of giving to the point of self-destruction comes up for air again in this part. How much do you put your life on hold for the advancement of everyone else? I know you tell yourself it is the 'good, nice' thing to do and I know your intentions are pure but I also know that you will have more of a positive impact on the planet when you get this need to be self-sacrificial handled and dissolved. It is all based on a deep feeling of lack and you only create more lack when you are acting from a foundation of lack. Use this part to break free and start to be the difference-maker you desire to be as you find yourself supported by the DIvine as you live into your TRUE DESIGN.

DAY 10 Owning The Power: There is latent power within you that you are definitely not accessing and this part helps you to truly understand what it means to be a Divine being living a human experience and how to tap into that power to create the life you desire.

DAY 11 - It's Time For Confession: I have made some horrible mistakes in my time and done some things that I am ashamed of. I used to believe that this meant I could not expect to prosper. I used to punish myself for my errors though I would never have admitted that that was what I was doing until I grew in self-awareness. Do you see certain sabotaging patterns continually repeating in your life? Do you almost reach the finish line, only to find that something goes wrong at the last moment? Are you ready to break free and let yourself off the hook of self-punishment? Yes? Then Take Part In This Reset Bootcamp.

So, if you are a driven spiritual person who knows you are meant for more but is feeling stifled by self-doubt, low self esteem, low self worth and low self-trust, click the button below to take part in the CONFIDENCE RESET and go from hesitating and doubtful to powerful, self-assured and confident.


This only works, if you work it.

If you are someone who needs hand-holding before you stay consistent with anything then this is not going to work for you...

This is only for action-oriented spiritual people who KNOW they are meant for more and are willing to do what it takes to create the more.

The actions I describe are rather simple, so simple that you may be tempted to jump days, to overcomplicate it, to tell yourself that it cannot work for you

And if you allow that inner craziness to win, you will fail.

Ultimately, it is consistency and a firm refusal to quit that will change your life. This reset is just the beginning of you understanding and being able to use your power but if you will not do it consistently for 11 days straight please do not bother to buy it.

So, if you are a driven spiritual person who knows you are meant for more but is feeling stifled by self-doubt, low self esteem, low self worth and low self-trust, click the button to take part in the CONFIDENCE RESET Bootcamp and go from hesitating and doubtful to powerful, self-assured and confident.


Let me explain a little more…

You are that person who has created some success and you are that person who SHOULD be happy with it because you have more than most. However, you are not happy and you wonder if you are just a little too greedy or maybe you just want too much and so you procrastinate and dither on trying to go for the big dreams.

This is about reinventing your life, not because there is anything majorly wrong with your current one – At least not to people looking on the outside in but because YOU KNOW you are meant for more.

Your life is disappearing before your eyes and you are nowhere near where you thought you would be by now…

You are not impacting the people or making the money you had hoped to be making…

You are not all that much in love with yourself anymore, if you ever were…

You are living to fulfil the agendas of many others but struggle to get your own true vision off the ground…

You feel resentful (though you may not admit it because you do have a loving, giving heart) that you do not seem to have the time to follow your own pursuits while everyone else is being supported, BY YOU, to get theirs…

And yet, your lack of deep inner confidence keeps you stalling


Because honey, I am Rosemary Nonny Knight and I was you, once upon a time.

Pretending that I had it all sorted.

People looked up to me, even before I became a pharmacist and had the house, 2 cars, cleaner and the trappings of wealth…

(I have always been leader though I shied from it thinking that dampening out my drive was ‘humble’ and a ‘good’ thing to do.)

And yet, I had none of the freedom.

Because there were all these rules of what I was allowed to do and what I was not…

Relationships that manipulated me…

Religion that stifled me and kept me from real relationship with the Divine…

I was shrouded in fear, guilt and shame…

And finally, after hitting the rock-bottom of bankruptcy and depression (which still no one saw – they still thought I GOT IT!), I decided to reinvent my life.

And I did.

Within 18 months, I had started a business and replaced my full-time pharmacist income…

I started saying ‘FUCK NO’ unapologetically to anything and anyone that did not take me closer to my vision…

And now, I have built 2 businesses that surpassed my pharmacist income…

I have had the plastic surgery (#Operationbiggerboobssmallerwaist) I dreamt off…

Been to various different countries all round the world, just because I wanted to…

Worked with millionaire coaches to immerse my mind in greater opportunities and possibilities (I now see just how small my life had become!)…

I am closer than ever before to the Divine and helping others do the same…


And I have helped lots of clients with that too…

I got over my sad family story with lots of fear, sexual abuse, physical abuse and so on to live free of the rules, traditions and all that nonsense, some of which you will hear about in the book.

Honey I reinvented my life and now, I help other driven spiritual people, like you, to do the same.

So, are you still feeling indecisive?

Leave now – this is not for the weak -minded!

But if you are done with messing around with your ONE life, then click the button below and let's begin the adventure of reinventing your life.

So, if you are a driven spiritual person who knows you are meant for more but is feeling stifled by self-doubt, low self esteem, low self worth and low self-trust, scroll down to take part in the CONFIDENCE RESET Bootcamp and go from hesitating and doubtful to powerful, self-assured and confident.


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Order Summary
The Confidence Course

"I listened to your webinar today for the 7 day prosperity surprise. After listening at lunchtime I went out to buy a journal to devote to this . I am already aligning to prosperity as this afternoon I received two free bunches of flowers , a reduced bus ticket from a driver who was singing and happy !!, I saw the numbers 222 on my taxi home , and been seeing the word ' BIG jumping out at me from billboards and messages . I am getting into alignment and looking forward to the surprises popping up this week"  

- JF  

"I am on day 6 of this experiment and I am so happy with my results - it’s hard to believe the power of doing these simple things! But it has had such a positive effect on my life - I am more open to learning from others and receiving. Oh and for actual physical results I have had a new sign up to my business opportunity and 2 messages unexpected from people interested!!  

Thank you so much Rosemary N Knight and to others I encourage you to put your all into it and expect to see prosperity"  

- SD  

"Hi RNK! It was a really amazing week. While I did not win the lottery (which would be too easy and the Universe is asking that I actually add value to the world for my money 😂) I did have some AMAZING spiritual shifts and last night, by pure “coincidence” stumbled across a posting for my dream job."  

- ML