You Are Meant For More
You Are Meant To Thrive & Prosper In Every Area Of Life
You are Meant To Live Free, Fulfilled, Financially Abundant and Love-Drenched
You Are Meant To Enjoy Your Life Thoroughly With A Clear Mind and Heart, An Intimate Loving Connection To The Divine As Well As A Deep Sense Of Purpose
These things are your divine right
But that is not what you are currently experiencing in life
At the moment, you feel stagnant
& Overwhelmed By The Never-Ending Demands Of Life
People need you all the time
And you are forever being everything for everyone (and nothing to yourself)
You are the one others look to for leadership, guidance and you do have high expectations of yourself too.
You had expected to be further along in life by now but somehow you got trapped and cannot seem to move forward.
By now, you had expected to create a more opulent lifestyle for you and your loved ones
By now, you had expected to be building generational wealth that would break the curse of poverty in previous generations
By now, you had hoped to travel and see more of the world
By now, you had hoped to feel so much more sure of yourself
By now you had expected to be living out your life's purpose and making a difference in the world
By now, you had expected to have fulfilling relationships that inspired and empowered you
Instead, you still feel financially restricted
You feel drained & tired a lot of the time (your body might even be succumbing to illness at present)
You feel surrounded by energy vampires that take and take and take from you but never seem to be around when you need help
You feel unable to say NO without feeling lots of guilt but now you feel resentment at how much time, energy and money you have given away.
You feel frustrated with life and unsure as to why things are not working out better for you when you have done everything you thought you had to do to curry the Divine's favour and though you do not like to admit it, a part of you feels abandoned by your higher power
And there is disappointment, deep disappointment that you are not living to the fullness of your potential
You have blindspots that you are not currently seeing because you have lived with them so long and you no longer even notice them
You have emotional trauma because of the heavy weights you have been carrying for such a long time and you have not known how to heal
You are not clear on what your purpose is and so you have been living off path and off course and in a false life for you
And these things are blocking your ability to receive Divine love which is the source of every good thing and they are blocking you ability to see opportunities to increase your wealth
And that is what this 10 day bootcamp will help you with...
Every day for 10 days starting on Monday 8th August, you will receive a video or audio plus a simple worksheet to use to really take in all the learnings from the training.
You will be daily guided using a musical meditation to go deeper into the Divine
All you need to do is commit to doing the simple work for 20-30 minutes a day
And as a result, you will...
✅ Get clear on your TRUE DESIGN/ Life's Purpose - the real reason you are here on this planet
✅ Clear the noise in your mind as you understand where it is all coming from and how to handle it - You will be taught 2 simple methods that you can use to easily clear anything from your psyche
✅ Reconnect more deeply to the Divine - Your one true source of peace and plenty and handle any of the blockages that may be keeping you from deep intimacy
✅ Identify & Appreciate Your Unique Strengths, Understand Yourself Much Better & Give Yourself Permission To Truly Thrive Starting Immediately
✅ Discover how to, very simply, manifest the income, love, health, opportunities that will support you in living your TRUE DESIGN life and in creating generational wealth
Hey, I am Rosemary Nonny Knight. I work with clients to regain their confidence, leave behind the pain & limiting beliefs of the past and rise victorious in their TRUE DESIGN. I show each person clear strategies that can be used to reclaim their birthright of prosperity in every area of life. I believe we are those who are here to positively impact those around us, as we take back our power to create and live free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched lives.
I used to be a pharmacist, and before that, I lived in a 3rd world country.
I thought I was going to have stay a pharmacist for the rest of my life because like many, I assumed that being an adult meant giving up your own dreams and desires and just doing whatever you need to do, to get by.
THANKFULLY, I went bankrupt and suffered with depression for 4 years AND, in addition to that, I had the privilege of bringing 3 amazing princesses into the world. Finally, the Divine was able to get my attention because I started truly listening to myself, instead of just going along with the mass mind programming I had received. No, the Divine did not cause me pain - I did that to myself by trying so hard to be everything BUT myself. As I teach my clients now, you cannot prosper in the wrong life for you.
Yes, you can create a small amount of success and I guess, if you are able to live with the low level depression and dissatisfaction that will dog you, then you get to keep that small amount of success!
I finally gave myself the opportunity to go for everything that I desire.
I transitioned out of pharmacy and more than replaced my income.
I am happily married to the love of my life. This was a relationship that most people tried to deter me from but again, I trusted the Divine rather than mass mind conditioning.
As I mentioned, we have 3 amazing daughters that I get to home educate and travel with, whenever we want to.
We have real estate investments, as we create generational wealth.
We live in a beautiful home.
I am healthier than I have ever been, rocking a body that feels more energetic than it did prior to having children.
The relationships I have, empower me.
And the relationship I have with the Divine is pretty intimate and it gets deeper all the time.
I tend to only ever do things that I want to do and in any area of life where there are still things that I do not enjoy - I get rid of them.
And now, like I have wanted to do since I was a 9 year old, teaching my fellow students how to go deeper into the Divine, I get to teach people spiritual and very practical principles of all-round prosperity. I do what I love to do and create a great income from it.
The thing is, ANYONE can do this.
We are all created in the image and likeness of the Divine.
It is not for ‘special’ people.
IT IS FOR EVERYONE, if you will claim it.
And this CLARITY Bootcamp is designed to show you, VERY CLEARLY, how to turn you into a clear channel for the flow of Divine love - A love that is so different from the kind of love you have been using that has drained you - and for generational wealth - As you allow the love of the Divine to flow freely through you, you will start noticing more opportunities and more income coming your way as you become a magnet for all the desires of your heart.
It does not matter where you were born, where you live, the colour of your skin, the mistakes you think you have made, whether you have young children or not, whether you are in business or not, how much time you have, how old or young you are. None of these things matter.
Get the bootcamp & get into the energy of prosperity and you will again, remember that it is your true home.
And as you apply the simple actions you learn, you will find that you are becoming more and more free from the shackles of the past.
You will RISE VICTORIOUS in your true design life of freedom, fulfilment, financial abundance and unconditional love.
Today is the day that your fortunes begin to be restored and expanded, if you choose to say yes to this bootcamp.
Join in now. Do not delay. Do not procrastinate. Do not allow more of your time to fade away.
(Full Price: $497 - Get A 80% Discount For A Limited Time)