- This is when you go back in time to see who you were created to be before life happened and caused you to forget yourself. You remember what you are capable of…
- You remember your dreams, passions, purpose, what you are here on this planet to do…
- The big plans that seemed so impossible will become real again as you do this work with me…
- You will have a purpose statement written out to refer back to, time and time again…
- You will learn how to keep your head in the game, despite whatever drama is brought into your consciousness…
- You will remember just how important your agenda is to the grand scheme of things…
- We will set the base level of simple activities that will welcome abundance, freedom, wealth into your life in a greater proportion than now.
- Every grand hero story has a moment of reinvention when the hero goes from feeling small and insignificant to realising that they are capable of so much more than they thought and you are no different.
- In this part of the bootcamp, you will learn how to deliberately design the life you actually want and get rid of anything you just do not want.
- How to own the selfish side of you and realise that it is in fact absolutely necessary to do what you need to do in order to do the work you are here to do…
- You will learn to give yourself permission to be your most powerful self – this slow-paced, ‘to scared to truly live’ version of you will be discarded in favour of your most powerful self…
- You will become the entrepreneurial leader that gets what you want…
- No more internal resistance to the power that is you, you will start taking massive and consistent action to make it so…
- You will learn to call in an audience of people who love what you are about as you show up as powerful leader that seems completely fearless…
- You will instil new beliefs that will cause you to power through any dark spots in life – You will change and so the way you deal with stuff will change too…
- This is when you do the work to get those relationship, wealth, impact goals met
- You will learn how to get past any false programming that holds you to old rules of religion, family, past story
- You will learn the simple daily actions that gets your goals met
- You will learn how to become an ideas machine and how to implement it quickly to realise the profits that come from fast action
- You will learn why you do not need lots of money right now in this social media age, in order to prosper…
- You will learn how to stop living like all the norms and reasonables around you and actually ramp up the speed without it adversely affecting you…
- You will learn what it is like to live fiercely and determinedly going after everything that is yours by birth…
- You will discover how much happier you are to live this full-bodied experience of life rather than the lack-lustre version that you used to settle for…
- You will start sprinting to the realisation of your dreams…
- You will KNOW that you are leader, not just in words but you will feel the power, the energy, the full on adrenaline that comes from playing full-out and making stuff happen quickly…
- You will also KNOW that you are loved and you deserve every good thing and so, no longer will you settle for anything less!
All of this delivered in 20 days of power over a four-week period.
5 days on, 2 days off...