TEMPORARILY AVAILABLE FOR $77 (Project 334K Discount)
1) USE PAYPAL - $77
2) USE THE ALTERNATIVE - $77 / £55
1. 5K Online Business Blueprint ($147) -How To Quickly Make $5k every single month in your own online business, even if you have never done it before, even if you have no tech skill, even if you have failed before and even if right now, you are holding down three jobs! . 2. Release To be Rich ($67) - The 4 Step Process To STOP Self-Sabotage, Master Your Mind & Emotions & Become The Deliberate Designer of An Abundant, Purpose-Driven Life That Makes A Difference & An Income. . 3. How to Start Your Own Online Business With No Money Down ($7) - Lots of people tell me they do not have the capital to begin - This gives you the LOW DOWN on using tools you already have access to. . 4. How To Handle The Fear Of Pursuing Your Vision (Currently $7) Overcome procrastination with this one. You are called. You are chosen. You are equipped to live the vision of your heart. Break free from fear. . 5. How To Hear Back From The Divine ($8.88) - The steps you need to be intuitively guided to success. To me, this is the very foundation of everything. Call it intuition if that is more comfortable for you. . 6. (And to really understand and apply this as I see it as the foundation of everything) DIVINE GUIDANCE ($37) - The 5 Part Video Training Series: How To Live Intimately Connected To Source, Hear Divine Guidance Clearly & Easily Step Into A Prosperous & Opulent Life. . 7. How To Choose &/Or Create Your Own Bestselling Online Product (Only Usually Available To Private Clients - $47). . 8. Completely Clear - ($22.22) The Rapid Way To KNOW Your Divine Purpose & Begin Earning With Ease As You Live To Your True Design - Some tell me that they do not know their purpose. Well, expect to know within about 60 minutes. No longer will you be on hold, waiting for some big explosion from the heavens as the angels deliver your purpose to you on a scroll. . 9. Relentless Focus - ($7) The Daily Musts Of A Spiritual Entrepreneur Who Boldly Claims The Best Of Everything - Life can be sooooo distracting. So many pulls on our time. How do you decide what needs to be done and what is simply keeping you off your freedom path?
10. Affiliate Marketing Made Simple ($97)
11. How To Create, Promote & Sell Your Own Online Product, Even If You Have Never Done It Before ($97)
PLUS BONUS 14 Day Miracle Experiment PLUS BONUS video talking you through exactly what to do PLUS a copy of my book DELIBERATE MAGIC when you join me in group PLUS daily reminders and support in moving forward via email.
This collection is going to expand your ability to create a prosperous life IN ALL AREAS...
🔴 Empowering loving relationships
🔴 Work that you wake up excited to take part in - It is fulfilling and it makes a difference and you adore it!
🔴 Money flowing freely and easily for everything and anything you choose to do and have
🔴 A body that feels energised, vital and healthy
🔴 A deep, loving and uplifting spiritual connection to your Source
This will equip you to prosper and the community will support you in keeping it going until you truly return to your true design
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