1. RELEASE. RISE. THRIVE Call Every Other Week - Expect training, clearing, coaching and agreeing. Normally the calls will be held on a Monday or Tuesday at different times to be confirmed at least 7 days before the call via email.
2. EVERYTHING you need for business, personal and spiritual growth: Access to the Freedom Collection, Abundance Library Plus Other Deliberate Millionaire Programs such as Financial Freedom Using Facebook, The Business Hero Bootcamp, Build My List Now, Instagram Marketing, How to Build Your Sales Page And SOOOOO Much More
3. Daily SpiritSpeaks Downloads Plus Journaling Prompts delivered to email inbox for use in your spiritual practice.
4. FB GROUP - Come do life with me in group - Get my daily input on what to do next to keep your business growing from one degree of glory to another. You are not alone in this.
And all that for £87 (65% Discount - Normal $247)
Start your membership with a 90 minute BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH one on one session
In this session, we will
✅ Clarify your purpose and your life goals. You will give yourself permission to create everything you desire as I draw out your deepest truth skillfully from the mire of uncertainty.
✅ Identify what obstacles stand in your way and do the healing work to clear them
✅ Put together a marketing plan that will propel your divinely-inspired online business to $5K or more, when implemented.
And then, of course, you come into the Assembly and the work continues together from a very clear space.
"I listened to your webinar today for the 7 day prosperity surprise. After listening at lunchtime I went out to buy a journal to devote to this . I am already aligning to prosperity as this afternoon I received two free bunches of flowers , a reduced bus ticket from a driver who was singing and happy !!, I saw the numbers 222 on my taxi home , and been seeing the word ' BIG jumping out at me from billboards and messages . I am getting into alignment and looking forward to the surprises popping up this week"
- JF
"I am on day 6 of this experiment and I am so happy with my results - it’s hard to believe the power of doing these simple things! But it has had such a positive effect on my life - I am more open to learning from others and receiving. Oh and for actual physical results I have had a new sign up to my business opportunity and 2 messages unexpected from people interested!!
Thank you so much Rosemary N Knight and to others I encourage you to put your all into it and expect to see prosperity"
- SD
"Hi RNK! It was a really amazing week. While I did not win the lottery (which would be too easy and the Universe is asking that I actually add value to the world for my money 😂) I did have some AMAZING spiritual shifts and last night, by pure “coincidence” stumbled across a posting for my dream job."
- ML
Copyight 2019-21 | RosemaryNonnyKnight.com